Supplier, Distributor, Produsen Alat Uji Laboratorium Sipil, Alat Ukur Laboratorium Teknik Sipil, Alat Ukur Pertambangan ,Testing Equipment For : Soil , Concrete , Aggregate , Asphalt Cement , Mining & General Machine, alat uji Tanah , alat uji Beton , alat uji Batuan , alat uji Semen , alat uji General , Alat uji Laboratorium Teknik Sipil , Alat Uji Laboratorium Tanah , Alat Uji Laboratorium Batuan , Alat Uji Laboratorium Aspal , Alat Uji Laboratorium


JUAL ALAT UJI SAMPLE SPLITTER - Laboratorium teknik sipil 081312760033

JUAL ALAT UJI SAMPLE SPLITTER - Laboratorium teknik sipil 081312760033
Precission Sample Splitter
(item code : RA-122)

Stainless steel, chute width 1/4″ x 32 holes, supplied complete with scoop and pans.

Dimension (l x w x h)
: 50 x 50 x 50 cm
Gross Weight
: 10 kg
RG-801 Scoop